Thursday 12 June 2014

.''two birds make a nest on an old cats head.
the cat moves slowly.
and because its old, its asleep, while the birds make the nest.

because its old.
in the morning the birds realize their house is moving around slowly.
and then it dawns on them that they've constructed a house of straw and twigs on top of a cats head.
they try to adjust but eventually, after about a week
the birds get tired of the house moving around because of the cat.
due to the cat.
so they decide to put up a for sale 'sign, and sell their house.
after 3 months the mother bird says to the father bird the following. which is simply this.
''you idiot, why did you have us build here ?
we're never going to sell this place you know?
then the father bird says to the mother bird the following .
which is simply this truth.
well, its like every says, location location location.'''

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